A God is Born

                That time has come again that the Crypts and things came has come to end.  So I don’t know what I am going to do.  I am thinking I might start a game with my kids and a friend. But let’s get in to the last game.
                I missed a few games, so I don’t know where we went, but when we came back in to the city it was burning, and the dark ones were killing all the people in the city.  It did not take long for us to get attacked by the dark ones.
                The rouge and Chantel did what they could to kill them, and the wizard would put them to sleep, but there was just so many that there was no way that we would make it to the end alive.  Just then Chantel’s godly Brother showed up with an Iron Golem type monster and helped us clear the way. 
                When we got to the place where the alter was, Par the Lord of the city was tied up, his daughter was in a cage, and his wife was on the alter about to be the vessel to the God Dagon.  There was a fight and a recue that had to be done before Chantel could give herself.  In the end the Mage was taken buy some ape god, the rouge passed out due to the loss of blood, so that left par to sacrifices Chantel.  The city was saved.

Posted on July 27, 2015 .