The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything

  1. June 16, 1969
  2. Cartoons
  3. Comic books
  4. School
  5. Glasses
  6. Medina, Ohio
  7. Restaurant
  8. Star Wars
  9. Superman
  10. Crush
  11. Braces
  12. Loss
  13. Separation
  14. Reunion
  15. Doctor Who
  16. Survival
  17. Contacts
  18. Graduation
  19. Kent State
  20. Love
  21. Central Florida
  22. TitanTalk
  23. Columbus, Ohio
  24. Adulthood
  25. Lori
  26. Heartbreak
  27. Sadness
  28. Surgeries
  29. Regeneration
  30. Hilliard, Ohio
  31. Marriage
  32. Adjustment
  33. Internet
  34. Strange New Worlds
  35. September 11, 2001
  36. Friendship
  37. Doctor Who
  38. Consolation
  39. Travel
  40. Blogging
  41. Generator Rex
  42. The Future
Posted on June 16, 2011 .